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12 grudnia 2015

Hannah Murray


Hannah Murray - Flaunt - September 2015

Hannah Murray - Flaunt - September 2015


Hannah Murray - Flaunt - September 2015


“Waiting? What are you waiting for?”
“For something else.”
Skins (2007-2013)

I’ve always loved musical films; I find 
them really thrilling and exciting; it was part of what made me want to 
be an actress, that feeling of being really transported.
Hannah Murray at SDCC 2015 EW Party (x)stormbornvalkyrie:

♕ Gilly | Game of Thrones 5.07  “The Gift” {x}Hannah Murray for Interview magazine (x)stonehms:

Favorite character meme  || five episodes [3/5]

↳”Sid” series 1“Wake up, Sid.”

Hannah Murray for CLASH magazine.stonelario:

Hannah Murray for @ohcomelymag issue 22 out now. She’s a dream. (X)hauntinglyme:

Happy Birthday to Hannah Murray, who turns 26 today.
July 1, 1989

happy birthday!!!! <3noiduevicinimadistanti:

I think that’s the most beautiful picture of Hanna 😍You’re so perfect😍 Happy b-day❤️subtleelevation:

Hannah Murray

I love the Davie Bowie makeup.

“As you command, my lady.”
A spasm of anger flashed across Gilly’s face. “Don’t you call me that. I’m a mother, not a lady. I’m Craster’s wife and Craster’s daughter, and a mother.”


she survived craster and he was the worst shit i ever met. she survived the long march to the wall. she survived a white walker, for fuck’s sake. she might have got out. 

Hannah brings a wonderfully damaged quality to Gilly — the character is a bit like one of those girls who is kidnapped and abused for years, and brainwashed by her captor into thinking he’s a prophet and a righteous man. Hannah understands that intuitively; her Gilly is also lovable and fetching and sympathetic. - David Benioff

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