
Character Image jest spisem wizerunków prowadzony z myślą o autorach grających na blogach grupowych. Funkcjonuje już od 6 sierpnia 2015 roku.
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14 grudnia 2015

Alexander Siddig


“I am cursed with a love for emptiness… desolation. It is a beauty to which my soul responds… as pure, as untainted as the deserts of my birth. I deem it my mission to purify this planet, to restore it to its former beauty…dailymartells:
“Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes.”
When you’re trying to explain something but can’t find the right words…
…Oh Julian

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