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6 grudnia 2015

Miranda Richardson


Interviewer: Why did you turn down the lead role in Fatal Attraction, the role that turned Glenn Close into a household name?
Miranda Richardson: I genuinely can’t do crap. If I don’t believe in a role, I can’t pull it off. There have been people who have wondered why on earth I would not do that role, but I felt so strongly that it was demonising women.
It was a case of, ‘Let’s present the female character not as a person but as a representation of what women are capable of.’ I thought it was hideous and didn’t want to have anything to do with it. [x]
“Can we not go there?” she says crisply, rolling her eyes. “Me and whose army turned down Fatal Attraction? It was hideously demonizing, and there’s a sinister attitude behind it.” […]
“There are lots of those roles,” she says wearily. “I got offered Jade, which was vile and went nowhere. So I feel quite happy about those choices.”
“I don’t know who I think I am,” she adds in a wry aside. One actress’s moral choice is another’s Hollywood meal ticket, after all. “But there’s no point doing it. You just lose your soul.” [x]


Fangirl Challenge  [14/15] actresses » Miranda Richardson

“I like people to be surprised by the turn of events. I don`t want things just to be pat and formulaic. If there`s some sort of internal combustion in the character or a desire to change the way things are going, that makes for conflict, which is the essence of drama.”


(scanned from “Observer” ; 3 March 1985 ; pg28)


Miranda Richardson, The Artist is Present.
Day 53, 10 minutes.

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