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27 stycznia 2016

David Tennant


David Tennant, Recording His Role In Chew, The Animated Series, With Chog In Hand

Source [ Bleeding Cool News ]Edited to add:  We reached out to co-creator John Layman, who has also written the screenplay for the animated film.                    
 can’t tell you what a weird, incredible, awesome 
experience it is being in a studio and seeing 
somebody awesome, whose work you’ve enjoyed for 
years on TV and the big screen,” Layman said. “David
 Tennant came in there with a strong idea for the 
character and his interpretation of Mason Savoy and
 totally knocked it out of the park. It was 
amazing. When the cartoon finally comes out, people
 are gonna be blown away by David’s performance.“ Source of quote [ fanboy planet ]


David Tennant [7 of 33]       ↳ a study in eye crinkles for weeping-who-girl

this is the best thing I’ve ever done tbh


Why is he always so attractive? It’s not right. I was getting things done until now. Found on Twitter @Kiriphii88

di grumpy cat [13/?]

«[17/many]» pictures of David Tennant

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