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26 stycznia 2016

Mel Gibson


© Nigel ParryCan’t handle it.twentyminutesoflove:

“If I’ve still got my pants on in the second scene, I think they’ve sent me the wrong script.”

My scripts all start with him naked…elmertramp:

“Mad” Max Rockatansky is: The Road Warrior, the maximum force of the future. choking-the-bishop:

gotta love Mel Gibson..sosirius:

Mel Gibson is jogging with a beaver hand puppet. Your argument is invalid.

Where do I get one?fuckyeahhighqualitypics:

Mel Gibson

So innocentcinecinecine:

The 20th Birthday EMPIRE
Mel Gibson (Photo: Sarah Dunn)

The Patriot- Guerrilla warfare is a lot more fun when it’s Mel Gibson running through woods working on our side. This poster is courtesy of our 70th follower, Pia.

Get some.iyidir:

-what will you do without freedom? will you fight?-what? against that?* no! we will run! and we will live..-aye, fight and you may die.. run, you’ll live, at least a while.. but dying in your beds, many years from now, wouldn’t you be willing, to trade all days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here, and tell our enemies, that they can take our lives, but they’ll never take… our freedom!

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